Speaking with my good friend, Rachel Webb the other day, we were discussing the check list of items still left for the renovation project at the new building. We had spoken earlier in the day about having some scripture placed on the wall that embodies what Fostering Together Gulf Coast's mission is. One of my favorite scriptures is Isaiah 58:12 and it came to mind while we were talking. When I shared it with Rachel she stated that when she first started thinking about FTGC, this scripture had been shown to her by the Lord.
We were both amazed to think that the same scripture, given to us years apart, would be the connecting point for us years later. So many great things have happened for FTGC since that one night in November where we had our first planning meeting. Now here we are, many months later, seeing this verse begin to be lived out in our organization and our community. We have felt the Lord's presence in times of trouble and doubt. We have sensed it in times of overwhelming uncertainty. Fostering and adoption, I would say often, are not for the faint of heart but, today the Lord says to me, even if you are faint, I am here for you to lean. It is FTGC's mission to speak into the lives we serve and rise up the next generation a stronger, healthier one. It is FTGC's mission to give a small amount of hope to a mother who is trying her best to manage the trauma and background of a child made in God's image, all while supporting reunification to a family that needs just as much love and encouragement. It is FTGC's mission to provide tools for those working with the families and in the community so that they are better equipped to serve. It is FTGC's mission to be a helping hand to caseworkers who are driving a child across the county because they are the only ones who have an open bed. It is FTGC's mission to spread the love and caring that embodies the Lord Jesus Christ to every soul we come into contact with so that they can feel His presence. We are so blessed and honored to be on this journey with you. We are praying for each and everyone of you as we listen and wait for the next steps.
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